Jumat, 03 April 2015

Slack and Dilligent Hands

Many people firmly protest over the debts that have entrapped them. Then,finally, they will shout to the Lord, "Lord where are you?". They look upward after being entrapped by debts, aha! you are wrong you should have seen downward! Look downward and find the root of your poverty. Do you realize that poverty is the one which traps you with debts? So, find the root of your poverty before you are freed from your debts. The book of live says" The slack hands bring people to poverty, but the diligent hands bring them to riches". I don't think I need to know what traps you to debts. What I know is that you are already impoverished before you are trapped into debts and that your poverty is 100%. This is because your hands are slack hands! And this has nothing to do with the Lord. The third action you can implement is work twice as hard as before; give 100% to the company where you work, and 100% to your side jobs.

You probably will say, "That is a piece of classical advice. Even my grandma gave me that piece of advice 20 years ago". Then why haven't you started working diligently since 20 years ago? Yes I knew I need a commitment to implement this advice. This secret to freeing myself from debts also needs a commitment. Thus, choose to be committed now!!!!

After doing the third secret, I am sure that you will be free from the debts that have put you into difficult situations. Yet, here I want to make sure that you won't  be back to that same place. That is way I present the secret to you.

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